Everless Smartbag: the Shopping Bag Reinvented

Soft goods design using origami techniques

Soft goods design using origami techniques
This project involved a deep dive into the fascinating world of origami techniques. Smart folding techniques which she used to design and develop the innovative folding pattern which forms the base of the SmartBag. This solution allows the SmartBag to easily collapse into a small compact case. The ingenious folding pattern is ‘programmed’ using heat setting techniques into a special high-tech lightweight fabric. Developed in close collaboration with the supplier.
The patented, foldable SmartBag offers its target audience a strong, ultra-lightweight, compact, innovative shopping bag. A great sustainable alternative to disposable plastic bags. Durable, easy to use and stylish to carry!
The SmartBag gives Everless a distinctive and innovative product proposition on which to build their brand and expand on.
A Successful Kickstarter Project
The SmartBag project proves that investing in a good external design agency pays itself back with (big) profit. Since its successful launch through KickStarter the Smartbag has become a hit in many countries. Especially in Japan.
Design expertise for this soft goods project involved
Research into materials and folding techniques, exploration-and experimentation with fabrics
Design, development, prototyping and engineering of high-tech fabrics as well as the plastic injection molded casings
Invention-and patent application together with the client
Facilitation of sampling and production by suppliers and specialists, to ensure optimal continuity and highest quality for the client
See more innovative custom designs for soft goods, like the Watch straps for Kromm and the Suit Rollor.

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