Bio resin table design

Viewers are indelibly impressed by the Bioresin Tables because of their intriguing combination of wood and translucent material. The natural wood is playfully contrasted by the vibrant graphic lines of bioresin, which form an integral, structural part of the design. In this series, city maps formed the inspiration for the graphic lines. The ‘Amsterdam’ Table, for example, represents Amsterdam’s famous Red Light District.
The idea for using bioresin in this way arose from the question: how can panel material be made to look more exciting and interesting? The use of a resin for its colour and light properties was favoured and the first versions employed small strips of epoxy resin combined with wooden slats. However, the fact that epoxy is not ecologically friendly made it unacceptable in this application; ideally the table-top should be made entirely of natural materials, like the wood itself.

The solution was found in Germany, with the inventor and manufacturer of a biologically-based resin. This ‘Bioresin’ is from non-toxic sunflower oil whereby no toxic material is given off during processing and recycling.
The next challenge was how to connect the bioresin with the wood, such that the final result meets all the strength requirements? After may experiments in close collaboration with the manufacturer, both a new production process and a new resin were developed. The result is the seamless interplay between the materials, giving the table tops their bold yet highly refined character.
The tables are manufactured to measure with different graphics and wood-types/colour combinations. Principally, any graphic form is possible, including logos or other custom designs.
This bioresin & wood composition is well-suited to other panel-products such as doors.

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