Unique Bracelet captured in Time: Creatures Bracelet Series

A new approach to design for mass customization

A unique bracelet, every time. The Creatures generated bracelets are stills randomly captured in time from an animated 3D design. As if the pause button is pressed and a one-off, a unique sculpture for the wrist is captured and manufactured.

Creatures bracelets jewellery design sketch by Groen & Boothman

A new approach to design for mass customization

A unique bracelet, every time. The Creatures generated bracelets are stills randomly captured in time from an animated 3D design. As if the pause button is pressed and a one-off, a unique sculpture for the wrist is captured and manufactured.

Individually crafted in a high-tech way, each feather-weight bracelet is hand-finished in fine leather and fits like a glove. This project entails a new approach to design for mass customization as well as innovation in form language. It is also an example of an ergonomic wearable.

Goodbye uniformity, mass producing a one of a kind bracelet

The different Creature shapes are derived from a Master Shape which is deformed by computer generated waves flowing through it. This ‘dancing’ movement is frozen every few seconds resulting in a unique shape which is then 3D printed, forming the skeleton of a unique bracelet.

Surprisingly beautiful and dynamic forms emerge with a natural and tactile aesthetic. The Master Design features a flexible inner structure of thin wavy ribs, for a snug, comfortable, ergonomic fit. It’s outer shell carries forth the shape-changing algorithms. Watch the design in motion, see video below.

A unique bracelet, again and again and again…

Each Creature shape is a 1-of-1; unique as a fingerprint, fully automatically generated by computer algorithms that in fact mimic nature’s design processes. In the same way that nature never produces the same thing twice; we introduce mass customization on form level into the manufacturing process.

Background process: Breathing New Life into Materials and Technologies

It is almost perverse that mathematicians have spent centuries contemplating idealized shapes like straight lines or perfect circles and yet have no proper or systematic way to describe the rough and imperfect shapes that dominate the real world.”

(Benoît B. Mandelbrot, French mathematician, 1924-2010)

Expertise involved in this design project

Ideation sketching and design parameters for master shape

Shape refinement and ergonomics

Manipulation of algorithms

Hand-crafted finishing of unique bracelets with feather leather

Pushing the boundaries of product design

Every unique bracelet in the Creatures Series is the result of exploration and experimentation with generative design techniques in the context of industrial product design and CAD/CAM. Pushing the boundaries of product design- and mass production-techniques to a new level. Leading to a surprising new aesthetic with an unprecedented level of refinement and an inherently natural look and feel.

Generative design is changing the aesthetic landscape of our manufactured world. Ever-increasing computing power is pushing our design/production processes to a new level of refinement thereby changing the role of the designer. While algorithms can do the work of many, the designer’s role becomes more crucial than ever in steering, analysing and selecting the best possible forms and solutions.  The energy cuff and Kromm watch are more examples of generative design projects by Groen & Boothman.

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