Giant Bicycles Colours and Graphics for Various Projects

For Giant bicycles, attractive colours and graphics are crucial for generating media-exposure. Besides sporting success, a distinctive, well-applied corporate identity plays a significant role in the propagation and recognizability of the brand.
Giant is a relatively young brand that wants to project the image of a winner. To this end, sharp-ended, sweeping delineations were used in the graphic designs of the clothing. These create vivid contrast and emphasize the dynamics of the brand. The use of large logos and bold colours, further strengthen brand awareness and Giant’s no-nonsense appeal.
Together with the performances of the athletes themselves, these graphic designs have made a great contribution to enhancing Giant’s reputation. In terms of sales figures, the clothes have been extremely successful with amateur cyclists and mountain bikers.
The MCR and team clothing depicted here are just some of the many designs that Hanno Groen made for Giant.

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