Cutlery Design: balancing aesthetics and ergonomics

Cutlery or flatware, is one of the most challenging products to design. It is all about finding the perfect balance between function and emotion. Cutlery is a very functional product; a set of tools that trigger almost all of our senses; it should feel pleasant in the hand and in the mouth, it’s weight should be balanced, it should be attractive to look at and easy to clean. In addition to all of this, each flatware set must consist of three basic designs; fork, knife and spoon, which together form a design-family whilst each having it’s own highly specialized function.
cutlery design sketches groen boothma amsterdam
Cutlery Set 2.0

Cutlery Set ‘2.0’ – a design for everyday use

Cutlery Set 2.0 is characterized by flowing lines and subtle roundings, giving it an elegant, refined look. The widened form of the grips creates a pleasant feel in the hand. The weight distribution, calculated by computers, ensures that the utensils are ergonomically perfectly balanced.

Cutlery Set ‘Picasso’ – technique meets emotion

Cutlery Set ‘Picasso’ is designed for special occasions, and originates from a concept study for the first class cabins of Japan Airlines.

In the traditional Japanese kitchen, chopsticks are frequently used, and in aviation, weight plays a crucial role. These two significant aspects come together in the carefully balanced, slender and elegant shapes of the cutlery, that are almost controlled like chopsticks.

This design was later taken over by Paloma Picasso, daughter of  Pablo Picasso and known for her jewelry designs for Tiffany & Co and her signature perfumes.

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